Hi, I'm Lindsay.  Thanks for stopping by.

I live in Seattle, WA with my wonderful husband and our awesome dog.  I am a weekend adventurer and a world traveler.  My greatest joy in life is to travel and to document moments with my camera.  I am in constant awe of the world around me and the relationships we have with each other.  Our connections and the love we have for each other is the basis of human experience and the building blocks to a meaningful life. My photography is focused on the capturing the moments and connections you share with the people you love most.

About me:

* I'm a mid-west transplant originally from Chicago.  I love the great PNW and I'm so happy to call this place home. 

* I love dogs. I'm a dog mom, dog sitter and all around dog nerd. 

* I love miniature things.

* I love random acts of art. 

* I value experiences above things. After all, experiences are memories in the making.

* I appreciate the little things. I'm the type of person who will literally stop to smell the roses (all of them).  

* Sometimes I make up songs about mundane things. And I have my own theme song.

* I can't live without coffee and my camera.

* My love of photography is with me where ever I go.  Check out my travel and fine art work at lindsaylewinphotography.com.

My work is the manifestation of my observations and I'm grateful to share it with you. If you're interested in working together for your family photos, fur-baby photos or your very special wedding, shoot me an email! I would love to hear from you!